Hello, my name is Michelle Mendoza, author, radio and television broadcaster, coach, and speaker. My passion is helping people find and empower their voice for better communication in their speaking, writing, or broadcasting. I found an up-lifting secret to better communication and personal purpose. I am the founder and CEO of FIND YOUR VOICE, where we train people to enhance and advance their communication skills. Then we find the best outlet to impact the world by publishing, broadcasting, & speaking. It has been an honor to share with people across the globe the secret to powering up their message and getting their voice heard.
BELOW YOU WILL FIND INFORMATION ON OUR TOPICS FOR THE 2023-2024 Season and the FIND YOUR VOICE MASTERCLASS. Each can be a stand alone topic or used as part of a series.
Engaging and Professional communication training, message focusing, and insight into superpower secrets that will take YOUR VOICE to the next level! $200
and more!
There are millions of voices available at a single click, nearly 11k books are published each day, and 3 million active podcasts litter the airwaves. So why should anyone read or listen to your message? In this highly motivational and insightful topic, find out what is beautifully unique about your voice, how to get your message heard, and why it is vital for such a time as this.
Did you know, there are four communication secrets or superpowers that every message, piece of literature, speech, broadcast needs to find and impact your audience? These superpowers are so vital that they are present in every powerful message, purposeful in the four gospels, are interwoven throughout creation, and in vital areas of our lives. Learn what they are, which one you have been gifted with and how to infuse the others into your message as you write, speak, and connect.
Each one of us has been created with a communication superpower but like the flip side of coin, we also have challenges that can make our message fall flat. We will deep dive into your unique gifting, learn how to use it for God’s best purpose, and learn to recognize and overcome challenges. As a bonus we will learn to build the other powerful communication styles into every part of our message.
You have a message you want in print but navigating the publishing process can be daunting. Learn more about the process and options. From traditional publishing, self-publishing, and hybrid publishing, you will gain insight into the pros and cons of each. Find out what questions to ask of publishers, what types of services you may actually need, how to avoid predatory agencies, and what should it really cost? Become empowered with the information you need to get your message in to print.
If you are building a message, a product, a book, or a broadcast, how do you impactfully reach your audience by getting and giving interviews? Gain industry secrets even the pros don't know. Learn to engage an audience, get the attention of producers, and common mistakes that make audiences tune out. How do I overcome “stage fright?”? What can I do to boost professionalism and interest? Learn from, arguably, one of the world's best on-air interviewers, radio/television talk show hosts, and producers.
Grow your brand, your book, your message, your ministry by broadcasting. Learn podcasting 101 from an industry expert. From setting things up and getting the right equipment, to focusing your message and audience, where and how to publish your podcast, and more. Become versed in every step from a seasoned professional.